Mental Health and Guns: Walk The Talk America


Mental Health and Guns have been inseparable in conversations about the rising rates of suicide and “Active Shooter” events in the United States. Gun owners in the US need to work to end the Stigma against asking for help in areas of Mental Health and learn to work with Mental Health Professionals to address the issues that they struggle with. The only area that ERPO (“Red Flag”) laws have been shown to have any positive effect is in the area of Suicide Prevention, yet these laws are becoming more and more common across the country, driven by irrational fears and misunderstandings of Mental Illness and Spree Violence in general.

Walk the Talk America was founded last year to help raise awareness of mental health issues and the resources that are available to gun owners to help them as needed without fear of anti-gun agendas or abuses that could affect their gun rights.  Free and Anonymous Mental Health Screenings are available through their website at 

WTTA mental health screening
Mental Health Screening Tests at WTTA are powered by Mental Health America.

Once someone takes a screening test, they are directed to an interactive online space for individuals to and tools they can use after screening to better their mental health. Taking a screening is a personal choice and a private one. The Screening Program is free and completely anonymous and any information an individual chooses to share is voluntary. If you or someone you know is concerned about a mental health condition, taking a screen is a great first step. You can print out the results and have a conversation with your spouse, parents, doctor or a trusted friend. When symptoms are addressed early,  underlying issues identified and appropriate courses of action are identified,  gun owners living with mental health issues can be placed on a path towards overall health.

Walk the Talk America will also be unveiling a new Suicide Prevention Program sponsored by GunVault at SHOT Show 2019, Booth #2530.

Asking for help and admitting problems is often much harder than pretending they don’t exist and suffering in silence or shame. It is time for Gun Owners to help other gun owners living with problems take steps towards mental health.

-Rob Pincus

-EVP, Second Amendment Organization

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